The concept which is a cloud-based menu management software system has been designed with EU allergen compliance in mind and gives chefs an online system to manage ingredients and recipes.
Operators, chefs and front of house staff can use Kafoodle Kitchen to ensure their operation is compliant with EUFIC regulation, which stipulates that all food and beverage businesses across the whole of Europe must show, on demand, the allergen information in everything that is served.
Kafoodle Kitchen also has a consumer focus in the form of an app, which allows diners to find suitable restaurants that meet their allergy and dietary needs.
Kim Antoniou said: “The ultimate aim for Kafoodle Kitchen is to get to a stage where we can create a trust between the F&B industry and allergy sufferers and that ultimately people can go to a Kafoodle restaurant that’s using the system and use the app and eat in confidence.”
The system comes in the wake of an East London café being sued after a customer suffered an allergic reaction to a cupcake.
The customer, who suffered from a serious nut allergy, went into an acute anaphylactic shock after biting into the cupcake.
The café, Tiosk, in Hackney, has admitted liability because it did not have the correct allergy warning signs in place and is set to make a payout.