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Join the Marine Conservation Society and go plastic-free this month

10th Jul 2018 - 09:12
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is encouraging Brits to go plastic-free this month (July), as part of its annual ‘Plastic Challenge’ supported by water company BRITA.

With between five and thirteen million tonnes of plastic ending up in oceans each year, the companies say “it’s time to take drastic action” and are pleading consumers, schools and hospitality companies far and wide to get involved and reduce their plastic footprint.


Author and television presenter Simon Reeve is also backing the campaign, claiming: “Our planet is being poisoned by plastic. The vast amount in our oceans has become an environmental emergency as a direct result of our throwaway society.


“That’s why I’m supporting the Marine Conservation Society's Plastic Challenge. Don't just get depressed about plastic - stop using it!”


As part of the challenge, MCS is offering hints, tips and challenges for everyone who gets involved and joins its #goplasticfree movement via


Other resources include its wider plastic-free living booklet and a free Fill&Go Active water bottle from BRITA when you sign up to the MCS.

Written by
Edward Waddell