25th Jul 2008 - 00:00

ISS UK's Catering business, ISS Eaton, has launched this year's ISS Guest Chef Exchange programme which challenges chefs to devise a plan for a three-day menu that represents the best of authentic cuisine in any European country.
Chef director Chris Towler at ISS Eaton, who developed the schedule, explained that finalists will be selected to run their proposed plan for three days on site which will be judged by independent hospitality professionals, before the winner is invited to ISS Eaton's Denmark operation to put his/her proposed promotion into action.
The challenge is open to all the company's chefs in the UK to participate.
When entering the challenge, chefs must set out key objectives for the promotion, details of planning and research they would put in place prior to the event, and consider the resources they would need to deliver the promotion.
Simon Titchener, managing director at ISS Eaton, who has been supporting this development, explained: "We believe it is essential to encourage our team to think outside of the box and stimulate fresh thinking, how they can introduce new products and experiment with cooking methods to bring valuable benefits for our consumers."
Titchener added that more importantly: "It involves the whole company, it represents opportunity to visit overseas sites and see how other operations work across different cultural barriers. And…our chefs love it."