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Islington free school meals 'being sabotaged'

17th Jun 2009 - 00:00
A meeting between Islington councillors ended with angry exchange after Labour councillors claimed that Liberal Democrat representatives are 'sabotaging' the policy.
The meeting held last week was to lay down plans for the borough-wide scheme and much of it focused on how the scheme will be financed. The Islington Tribune reported that the Lib Dem councillors said there was simply not enough money in the budget for the free school lunches. Cllr Catherine West was particularly angered by the confusion over funding: "We were given rock solid figures. If there's a problem with the figures I want to know how. I'll not have that. We made the decision, that's what people expect and I'll not be told there's not enough money." The Lib Dems said that six pilot schemes would be rolled out and that the remaining schools would have free meals introduced in thirds during the year. According to the Islington Tribune, Labour councillor Phil Kelly said: "Why is it necessary to limit the roll-out to six schools if the percentage loss is less than 10%. Surely it would be possible to roll out to the majority. Why isn't it possible to use the figures you have already established. Is it because you really are opposed to the policy and you're trying to sabotage it?"
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