9th Jun 2009 - 00:00
Hospitality workers have raised over £100,000 for the industry charity in the first ever dedicated fundraising week, specifically designed to put the 'fun' back into fundraising.
In action-hero style, participants wore pants over trousers to raise money. But, the fun didn't stop there; hotels, pubs, colleges and suppliers created their own fundraising ideas. There were marshmallow eating competitions, dress-down days, raffles, cake sales, themed lunches, football matches, doughnut eating competitions, guess the corks in the bottle, guess the sweets in a jar, ice cream sales, sponsored trim trails, a sponsored team meeting held at the top of Scaffell Pike and Marco Pierre White's pants were auctioned on ebay.
The week also saw a Great British Menu fundraising dinner, prepared by Jason Atherton and the finalists from the 2008 series and foam-filled fun in Holland Park for It's a Knockout, raising further funds for the charity. Penny Moore, CEO, Hospitality Action said: "The level of support has been overwhelming. The purpose of the week was not only to raise money but also to unite the hospitality industry in what are tough economic times. It was a great way to have some fun and every contribution however large or small is vital for our work, as we rely purely on charitable donations. A big thank you to everyone who has taken part; we're already looking forward to seeing what next year's event will hold." Visit the online photo gallery at www.hospitalityaction.org.uk