Undertaken by Engaging Works, 68% of the 500 hospitality workers surveyed said they felt happy at work, compared to 61% in other sectors.
The sector also scored higher than average in all 13 questions asked, including issues such as reward, recognition, career development, freedom and wellbeing:
- 75% of hospitality worker felt better respected than those in other industries (70%)
- 63% felt cared for compared to 61% in other sectors
- 67% felt recognised when they did something well compared to 63%
"Welcoming” the news, UKHospitality chief executive, Kate Nicholls, said: “All of us in the hospitality sector are very proud of the work we do and continually try to impress upon those on the outside that our venues are fun, welcoming and rewarding places in which to work.
“The results of this survey validate our work but it is a message that we need to communicate to parliamentarians, the media and the wider public that may have misconceptions about working in hospitality.
“As a powerful and unified voice for the sector, that will be one of our priorities within UKHospitality: highlighting the opportunities that exist in the sector and supporting the great employers that provide them.”
That said, the research also found that the greatest improvements in hospitality could come from targeting “a number of issues” identified within the 18 to 24-year-old group, as well as pay and “being paid fairly.”