33 teams and over 200 people from the catering & hospitality industry took part in ACE’s quiz night, with a broad mix of food service companies, consultants, suppliers and recruitment companies providing an opportunity to do what ACE does best – mix and mingle with industry peers.
Quiz rounds included diverse subjects such as flags, sports and coffee.
BaxterStorey entered three teams, which proved to be a good tactic as they came second and third (and fourth!)
ACE chair, Gaye Bullard said: “Quiz Night is the perfect opportunity to bring people together from across the hospitality industry. So much pre-planning and organising go into this event from our ACE council, but we all enjoy getting together, meeting up with old friends and making new connections. The competitive element always adds an extra level of fun.”
The raffle raised money for Wiggly Worm which was ACE’s final fundraiser for them having generated over £40,000 for the charity over the last four years.