Tobun said: “It is an honour to play a more active role within Arena… I’ve benefited from the opportunities to meet and network with my peers.
“So too has the sector, which has reaped the rewards of the idea sharing and contact building that the countless Arena events undoubtedly generate. I look forward to working with my fellow committee members as we take Arena to the next stage in its rich history.”
This appointment underpins the continual evolution of Arena. Since its launch, more than 35 years ago, the organisation has bought together more than 100,000 industry professionals.
Recent appointments to the Arena committee include Paul Whiteley, buying director at pubco Greene King, and Tim Adams, director of marketing and corporate sales at Bidfood.
Steve Norris, Arena chairman, said: “I’m delighted Tevin has joined the committee, he not only brings a wealth of experience to the team, but is passionate about the industry and how we ensure Arena is for the future.”
As an active member of Arena for over ten years, Tobun has a history of supporting and developing businesses. In 2011 Tobun was appointed chair of Inspiration You, which aimed to motivate and empower young people to become successful leaders.