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Hospitality & leisure sector most likely to take on apprentices

17th May 2013 - 09:27
New research findings from Barclays Corporate Banking’s Job Creation Survey show the hospitality and leisure industry as one of the most engaged sectors actively taking on apprentices.

In the last year 31% of all hospitality and leisure businesses surveyed stated that they had taken on apprentices, and a further 44% – the highest percentage of any sector – plan to take on further apprentices this year. That figures compares to national cross-sector average of 27%.

Mike Saul, head of hospitality and leisure at Barclays, said: “The hospitality and leisure sector plays an important role in the UK economy - making up more than 10% of the workforce. It’s great to see that it recognises the importance of the role it plays in supporting the up and coming generation of workers.

“We have already seen positive steps being taken to support young people, with some of London’s top hoteliers pledging 1,000 new jobs for 16-24 year olds within the next two years, and it’s great that there is a drive to ensure this continues to gathers momentum.”

A recent CEBR report found that companies taking on an apprentice typically gain a £214 per week productivity boost.

Previous research from Barclays has revealed that 52% of the SMEs asked would not take on apprentices due to fears about the amount of time it takes to set up and the additional support they thought a young person would need.

Encouragingly 76% of SMEs said they would want to be part of a scheme that helped set up apprenticeships for young people.

Supporting smaller businesses overcome the perceived barriers to taking on apprentices is the aim of Barclays Bridges into Work - a new programme designed to support 10,000 young people into work.

The programme will help small businesses access grants, find applicants, and train young people ahead of the role.

To find out more visit: or call 01928 703974.

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PSC Team