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Hospitality Action calls for industry to get behind Lunch Box day

7th Sep 2016 - 09:55
Hospitality Action is asking companies and employees to donate their lunch money to the trade charity on Lunch Box Day, which takes place on September 23rd.

Companies can get involved by either asking team members to bring in a packed lunch and donate the money normally spent or treat the team to lunch and ask them to donate the money they would normally have spent.

Penny Moore, chief executive of Hospitality Action, said: “In the first six months of this year, Hospitality Action spent £291,627 supporting industry colleagues in need through various grants and programmes.

“We couldn’t have done this great work without people getting involved in fundraising events such as Lunch Box Day. It’s really simple to get involved and we hope people will share the idea with other colleagues and businesses too.”

Hospitality Action is also encouraging participants to tweet a photograph of their lunch using @HospAction and hashtag #SandwichSelfie.

Written by
PSC Team