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Hobart UK launches 'large-scale distributor conversation'

8th Apr 2015 - 09:40
Hobart UK launches 'large-scale distributor conversation'
A roundtable debate featuring some of the UK’s most influential catering equipment distributors, held last week in London, has signaled the beginning of a large-scale ‘dealer conversation’, lead by manufacturer, Hobart UK.

The debated centered on how catering equipment manufacturers can add value to the distributor channel in a rapidly-changing marketplace, and is supported by the largest body of equipment distributor research ever undertaken.

The anticipated outputs of both initiatives are set to be revealed this summer with Hobart looking to foster even closer relationships with dealers and promote a greater air of trust and transparency that it hopes will benefit the wider industry.

David Riley, managing director of Warewashing at Hobart UK, said: “Times are changing and Hobart is spearheading a drive to better understand and fulfil the needs of our distributor partners, which will result in a more harmonious working environment for the catering equipment fraternity as a whole.

“Last week, I was proud to be part of an open, reasoned and extremely encouraging debate with several distributors. What’s immediately evident is that we can do even better – the outputs of both the roundtable and research are crucial to strengthening these vital relationships. These are exciting times and we’re delighted to be leading the conversation.”    

Over 600 individuals in the catering equipment distributor channel have been polled for their thoughts on manufacturer/distributor relations, making it the largest ever body of research of its type in the hospitality sector.  

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PSC Team