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Hertfordshire promotes children’s health through new cookery club

21st Jan 2016 - 09:24
Hertfordshire promotes children’s health through new cookery club
A partnership project between Hertfordshire Country Council and Hertfordshire Catering Limited is helping children to eat a healthy, balanced diet through a new family cookery scheme being delivered in schools.

The Good Food Club cookery school sees parents and children, aged 4-11, learning to cook together, with the aim of inspiring them to cook from fresh ingredients and try new foods.

Cabinet member for Public Health, Localism and Libraries, Teresa Heritage, said: “The Good Food Club cookery school helps families to develop a positive attitude to food. It takes the fear out of cooking by making it fun and easier for families to understand how to eat a balanced and nutritious diet on a budget.

“Involving children in important decisions about their health in this way helps them to adopt healthy attitudes and develop long-term good habits for healthier, happier lives, reducing the likelihood of them developing serious illnesses in later life.”

The course takes place over six weeks and gives parents and children the chance to get hands on cooking experience, being taught by trained professionals.

Written by
PSC Team