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Helena Houghton steps down as executive director of charity Adopt a School

23rd Jul 2024 - 07:26
helena houghton adopt a school RACA
Helena Houghton, executive director of The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts’s (RACA) Adopt A School charity, has announced she will leaving the primary school food education programme on August 16th.

She is joining EP Business in Hospitality as business director, working alongside chief executive Chris Sheppardson as the strategic and partnership lead.

Lisa Jenkins, chief executive of RACA, said: “We are sad to lose Helena, she has been a driving force behind the Adopt A School programme for many years and has developed it in many positive ways.

“She will be missed by all her Adopt a School colleagues and the schools she has nurtured. We all wish her well with her next role.”

Helena has spent a decade at Adopt A School, initially supporting former RACA chief executive Sara Jayne Stanes and later stepping up to executive director of the charity.

Her work has seen the programme develop a strong chef team and hundreds of volunteers to deliver the Adopt A School sessions across the country. She has also worked closely with the Table Talk Foundation to develop the Adopt A School Chef on the Farm brand at Plumpton College.

Adopt A School, which incorporates both Adopt a School and Hospitality In Schools, is a national charity that was founded in 1990 with a vision that every child learns about food in a holistic sense and has the confidence to eat well, be healthy and happy.

The programme helps children to develop healthy eating habits and encourages an enthusiasm and interest in food, cooking, food provenance and sustainability, as well as giving an insight into the hospitality industry.

Written by
David Foad