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Healthcare catering puts the spotlight on suppertime

3rd Feb 2015 - 10:44
Nutrition & Hydration Week 2015
This year’s Nutrition and Hydration Week (March 16-22) includes a focus on suppertime on Tuesday, March 17th – a meal occasion that presents a challenge for many caterers in health and social care in terms of providing a variety of dishes and the right level of staffing.

Organisers want to draw attention to this often neglected snack and believe the Tuesday of Nutrition and Hydration Week will provide an opportunity to share some ideas.

Nutrition & Hydration Week lead Caroline Lecko said: “We need to engage all staff to realise that those they care for need this light snack, otherwise it could be over 12 hours between their evening meals and breakfast. This is far too long to go without something to eat.”

Hospital Caterers Association (HCA) chairman Andy Jones added: “With many staff rosters focusing on breakfast service we need to remind al those involved just how vital this snack is.

“It also gives us the opportunity to share good suppertime practices. What better than with that night time drink - a snack whether it be toast or cheese and biscuits or perhaps even a small chocolate biscuit.”

Derek Johnson of the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) said: “Supper is a great time to provide a milk based drink providing vital hydration and extra calories for those who are nutritionally compromised.

“It is the forgotten snack where food is often prepared earlier in the day and left for busy care staff to serve during their evening duties.”

For details and to get involved visit:

Written by
PSC Team