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Health claims submitted to Europe

1st Feb 2008 - 00:00
Action to give shoppers food labelled with health claims they can trust moved forward yesterday with the deadline for EU countries to submit claims to the European Commission.
The EU regulation will provide food manufacturers with a list of clear aims which is backed by scientific evidence that can be used on labels. The Food Standards Agency has already received more than 2,500 claims submitted by food manufacturers. Therefore the European Food Safety Authority will produce an authorised list of health claims. For example, if a claim such as 'keeps bones strong' or 'maintains heart health' appears on the label, consumers will now know there is evidence to back it up. By 2010, The European Commission is expected to have agreed a final list of authorised health claims. And in the meantime, health claims will continue to be subject to national rules. If consumers are worried or confused by a health claim made on labelling, they should contact their local authority. Weblink:
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PSC Team