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Harbour & Jones celebrates staff with Five Year Club

23rd Jan 2015 - 09:49
Patrick Harbour & Nathan Jones, Five Year Club, images
Last week, Harbour & Jones invited a select group of staff to the Royal Institute of British Architects, part of Harbour & Jones events collection, to welcome new members to its Five Year Club.

The club brings together and celebrates staff that has been with the company for more than five years. Staff were thanked with congratulatory video messages from teammates.

Directors Patrick Harbour & Nathan Jones, said: “Starting out with just nine members, the club is now 59 strong and ever growing. It’s incredible to think how far we have come, and we’re so proud to see such dedicated, loyal people flourishing with H&J.”

Nathan added: “We really do appreciate the hard work that goes on both behind the scenes and at the forefront of what we do. We also treat new members to a duvet day – an extra day off, with a DVD box set of their choice and a delicious H&J hamper delivered to their door.”

Harbour & Jones celebrated its 11th year in business on January 14th, and next year is looking forward to planning its very first 10 Year Club event to recognise the long service of creative director, Jules Heckman Hughes.

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PSC Team