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Got what it takes to compete in the Slingsby Challenge?

9th Jun 2008 - 00:00
Workers from all sectors of the hospitality industry are being invited to compete against each other in a comical trolley race to win the Springboard Slingsby Trolley Challenge Cup.
Teams of staff will be piled high on Slingsby trolleys where they will race around the streets of Westminster in aid of Springboard which works with young people, the unemployed and disadvantaged. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated trolley and team, for the best trolley navigating skills, and for style, courtesy and charm. The event will take place at 10am on 1 November at Westminster Kingsway College. For further information or a booking form visit Top London hotels including The Goring, The Savoy and The Royal Garden took part in last year's competition (pictured). Other participants included The Churchill; Como Hotels & Resorts, Aramark contract caterers, and The Metropolitan Hotel.
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PSC Team