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Gordon Brown gives thanks to Fresh CM

19th Feb 2010 - 00:00
Fresh CM, a division of ISS Eaton, was personally thanked by the Prime Minister for supplying over 150 Day Centre service users with a warm meal on a daily basis.
Fresh CM has been providing a catering service at the Newham Resource Centre for older people in the Plaistow area for the last six years. Brown met staff at the resource centre and personally praised Richard Best, service manager for Fresh CM for his team's hard work and the level of commitment that they are showing towards the elderly residents of society. Mary Wedge, senior operations manager at Fresh CM, said: "For the Prime Minister to tell you that you are doing a good job, you really must be doing well! Gordon Brown commented that Fresh CM's work with the elderly was exceptional and he expressed his appreciation for everything we are doing as it was quite clear to him that our service users were very happy with their meals." "Gordon Brown's visit is a positive step in the right direction for the Social Care Agenda as he witnessed first hand the positive affects a greater level of independence can have on the older people in the area."
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PSC Team