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Goldsmiths University bans beef to tackle climate change

13th Aug 2019 - 13:02
Goldsmiths University of London has banned beef from its campuses in an effort to tackle the effects of climate change and become carbon neutral by 2025.

Recent research published in the journal Science found hat beef produces 105kg of greenhouse gases per 100g of meat. By comparison, tofu results in less than 3.5kg.

In addition to the beef ban, students will also be charged a 10p levy on single-use water bottles and plastic cups when the new academic year begins.

The university also plans to increase the number of solar panels across its New Cross campus and switch to a 100% clean energy supplier.

Goldsmiths has already implemented several eco-conscious measures in recent years, such as a wide-scale recycling programme and clear-outs of non-perishable food that is then donated to local charities once per term.

Thanks to actions such as these, the university has reduced its carbon emissions by almost 10% in the last three years.

Written by
Melissa Moody