Run by ProVeg UK and Plant Based News, the event is now in its second year and aims to encourage people to choose ‘healthy, humane and sustainable plant milks over dairy.’
As such, the annual event will see foodservice operators across the world promote their dairy-free products through promotions, plant-milk tastings and other activities.
Companies already signed up include: Kellogg’s, Starbucks, Pret a Manger and a number of big-name restaurants. Vegan and animal non-governmental organisations (NGOs), local groups and individuals will also be holding activities across the country.
What’s more, new for 2018 is a seven-day Dairy-Free Challenge, with participators pledging to give up cows’ milk, cheese and all other dairy products for one week.
To support, ProVeg UK has recipes, exclusive taste test videos and other information to help consumer start their dairy-free journey.
For more information, visit: http://worldplantmilkday.com/ or use the hashtag #WorldPlantMilkDay on social media.