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Global recognition for London sustainability kids project

7th Nov 2018 - 06:00
Teaching primary schoolchildren a range of food topics, TRiFOCAL London’s ‘Small Change Big Difference’ campaign has this week been named “one of the world’s ten most inspiring sustainability programmes for young people”.

Since launching last year (2017), it is estimated that the scheme has reached over 5,000 pupils across 17 schools in seven London boroughs, enlightening them on healthy sustainable eating, preventing food waste and recycling unavoidable food waste.


It is one of 10 educational programmes recognised by the non-profit body HundrEd, who celebrated “evidence-based and scalable innovations with the potential to increase sustainability in schools across the globe” at its inaugural Sustainability Summit this week (US, 1-3 November).  


‘Small Change Big Difference’ was praised for its ‘unique pioneering status’ and ability to create a ‘scalable’ impact.

As such, WRAP, LWARB and Groundwork London – who co-manage the project – teach reception to primary school aged kids about eating the recommended daily portions of fruit and vegetables; environmental impacts of different foods;
and ways to reduce food waste at home and school.


Peter Maddox, campaign director, said: “It’s very exciting for ‘Small Change Big Difference’ to be recognised by HundrED for the novel way that it is engaging with school children on these important issues.


“The campaign is unique in combining the three core themes of reducing food waste, healthy and sustainable eating, and increasing food waste recycling.


“This accolade will help us to share our learnings from the London pilot projects and influence the development of sustainable food systems in other cities, worldwide.”


Lindy Kelly, Groundwork chief executive, added: “We’re pleased to be recognised as education experts, creating new methods of learning in an inner-city context. The innovation of this project is evident from the impact on pupils and teachers across the capital.” 

Written by
Edward Waddell