* During a 2007 costume-themed pub crawl, ‘all Captain Americas were asked to go outside for a possible identification’ after one Captain America with a burrito stuffed down his tights assaulted two women.
* The world’s largest restaurant is in Damascus, Syria and has 6,014 seats.
* In 1953, after co-discovering the structure for DNA, Francis Crick rushed into the nearby Eagle pub, interrupting people’s lunch, to announce they’d ‘discovered the secret of life’. The pub serves Eagle’s DNA beer to this day.
* Even hugely successful restaurant chain McDonald’s doesn’t always get it right. The ‘hula burger’ that comprised a sesame seed bun, a grilled pineapple and slice of processed cheese was one such menu flop.
* A study on food waste in the US found that 17% of ordered restaurant meals are not eaten.