23rd Feb 2018 - 10:13

What would Friday be without our Fun Food Facts?!
- MI6, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, once targeted an online English al-Qaeda magazine and replaced its bomb-making instructions with cupcake recipes
- An average portion of fish, chips and peas contains only 7.3% fat. By comparison, a pork pie has 10.8% fat
- Did you know that Pineapples can destroy your taste buds…. Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme breaks down proteins in your mouth, namely your taste buds. This can wreck your palate for the rest of the day until your mouth can heal itself
- Ben and Jerry's ice cream has chunks because co-founder Ben has anosmia - meaning he can't smell and it also seriously affects his sense of taste. So for him food is all about texture, hence why chunks were added to the creamy ice cream!
- Drunk drivers around the world rightly face the full force of the law when caught – except in three countries. Kenya, The Gambia and Niger in Africa still have no blood alcohol limit in law.