2nd Feb 2018 - 08:30

What better way to end the long ole month (January) than with another round of Fun Friday Food Facts...
- Which came first - noodles or pasta? Documents in China describing noodles date from the 5th century BC, while the earliest mention of noodle-like food in the Mediterranean area comes about 500 years later
- According to a study, 4 out of 5 children recognise the McDonald's logo by the time they are three - before some even know their own name!
- When a labour shortage hit California in 1905, a farmer turned to 500 monkeys to harvest the prune plums. Organised into gangs of 50 with a human foreman, the monkeys picked the prune plums well but ate them all up! Today, machines do the work—without eating the fruit
- An old Chinese theory claims that long noodles are the key to living a long life and if you cut, bite or break your noodles before eating them, you’re actually slicing years off your life
- Did you know that Heinz ketchup contains 1 teaspoon of sugar in each 1 tablespoon serving!