24th Aug 2018 - 08:55

Here to help you 'learn something new everyday,' we hope you enjoy this week's Fun Friday Food Facts.
- The UK eats more cans of baked beans than the rest of the world combined. 1.5 million cans of Heinz Beanz are sold in the UK every day
- In 2005, PG Tips celebrated its 75th anniversary by launching a 280 diamond studded tea bag. The tea bag was filled with Silver Tips Imperial Tea from Makibari Estate - the most expensive Darjeeling tea in the world. The tea bags were sold for charity for £7,500 each
- Less than 1% of the vanilla used to flavour foods such as ice cream comes from vanilla pods, the rest is artificially created vanillin made from petrochemicals
- President Reagan (40th US president) loved jelly beans so much that he ordered 7,000 of them for his inauguration in 1981, with Jelly Belly creating a brand new flavour - blueberry - to mark the event
- If you make ice cubes with tap water, they will be white. If you use boiled water, they will be transparent