8th Jun 2018 - 09:21

In honour of Cost Sector Catering's big HQ move today, we've decided to dedicate this week's Fun Friday Food Facts to discontinued foods!
- Coca-Cola was discontinued in 2008, Coke Black was Coca-Cola’s coffee-flavored fizzy-pop which they introduced in 2006 and discontinued in 2008. Funnily enough, it was first introduced in France and then it made its way to the United States before it was discontinued
- When Cadbury confessed the change in its Cream Egg recipe in early 2015, fans were shocked. So shocked in fact, that sales of the new Easter treat dropped £6 million in its first year on the market. The change saw the classic milk chocolate shell subbed out for a cheaper product, and dedicated campaigners still haven't let the new recipe go — even two and a half years on
- The original Coca Cola prototype was launched in 1885 by John Pemberton, who marketed it as Pemberton's French Wine Coca, a nerve tonic that was both alcoholic and contained coca leaf extract
- In 1999 the girlfriend of Wet Wet Wet singer Marti Pellow sued the makers of Irn Bru bars saying they were too acidic for human consumption and had rotted her teeth
- While Heinz is commonly known for its baked beans and tomato ketchup today, it was once the UK’s fourth biggest pizza manufacturer! We’re not sure about you, but we’re not particularly surprised (or upset) to hear about the discontinuation of frozen pizza with baked beans instead of a tomato base!