11th May 2018 - 10:25

We know everyone keeps harping on about the weather but when it's this nice, it's hard not to... So here's our favourite BBQ-themed Fun Friday Food Facts!
- To give your food that smokey, barbecue flavour even if it’s cooked indoors under an electric grill, then marinate it in lapsang souchong, a black Chinese tea
- In 2009, researchers found mammoth ribs in a BBQ-style 4ft cooking pit that appeared to date back to 29,000 B.C.
- If you’ve ever wondered if your BBQ is hot enough then you’ll be pleased to learn that there’s an ‘actual science’ to measuring the heat with your hand: if you can stand it for 2-4 seconds then the temperature is 450-550 F; 5-7s then it's 350-450 F; and 8-10s then its 250-350F… you can thank us later
- Long before anyone pulled up and asked for a Sausage-Egg McMuffin, McDonald’s was originally a barbecue drive in, called ‘McDonald’s Bar-B-Que
- Forgot to buy firelighters? Or just having trouble lighting your B.B.Q.. Why not use Tortilla chips as they make excellent barbecue kindling