6th Apr 2018 - 07:00

Another week, another round of Fun Friday Food Facts:
- The most expensive pizza created was made by restaurateur Domenico Crolla who created a $2,745.00 priced Valentine pizza which included toppings such as sunblush-tomato sauce, Scottish smoked salmon, medallions of venison, edible gold, lobster marinated in the finest cognac and champagne-soaked caviar
- The shiny coating on jelly beans is often formed using a resin excreted by beetles
- Potatoes absorb and reflect radio and wireless signals in a similar way to humans (because of their high water content and chemical makeup)
- The Casu Marzu cheese found in Sardinia is purposely infested with maggots to cause an advanced level of fermentation…and is often eaten with the maggots still alive!
- The only fruit or vegetable that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked or in any other form than fresh is lettuce