29th Mar 2018 - 08:43

With Easter soon upon us, settle down with a bar (or two) of chocolate and enjoy our favourite Easter Food Facts below!
- In medieval times, a festival of egg throwing was held in church, when the priest would throw a hard-boiled egg to one of the choirboys. It was then tossed from one choirboy to the next and whoever held the egg when the clock struck 12 was the winner and could keep it
- When people gorge on a chocolate Easter bunny, 76% bite off the ears first, 5% go for the feet and 4% opt for the tail
- The world’s most expensive hot cross bun was baked in 1829 in Stepney, London and later bought for £155 at the Antiques for Everyone show at the NEC in Birmingham in the year 2000. It was originally made to hang in the kitchen to ward off evil spirits
- Each year on Easter Monday, the Southern France town Haux serves up a giant omelet for inhabitants - made using 4,500 eggs and serves 1,000 people! The story goes, when Napoleon and his army were traveling through the south of France, they stopped in a small town and ate omelets. Napoleon liked his so much that he ordered the townspeople to gather their eggs and make a giant omelet for his army the next day
- The tallest chocolate Easter egg, made in Italy, was 10.39m and weighed 7,200kg