19th Oct 2018 - 08:31
Check out this week's Fun Friday Food Facts - we guarantee there's one (or two) that you didn't know!
- Blame science for your sweet tooth! Humans are born craving sugar because, biologically, sugar means energy
- There is a bank in Italy that will accept Parmesan cheese in exchange for cheap loans and then pay you a fee if it matures well. You might think that’s some weird archaic loophole in the bank’s practices but no, they have around 200 million dollars’ worth of Parmesan cheese in their vaults
- It’s safe to say that Brits know a thing or two about biscuits... eating 52 per second on average! And our favourite? The humble chocolate digestive. Chocolate Hobnobs came in second followed by Jammie Dodger
- In America on 4th July, the amount of hot dogs eaten could stretch from Washington DC to Los Angeles over 5 times
- Our sense of taste can easily be confused by colour. For example, tests have shown that 50% of people given a green or yellow coloured drink of orange get the flavour wrong