8th Dec 2017 - 09:21

It's that time of the week again! We've got a great selection of Fun Friday Food Facts so settle down and enjoy - we hope you learn something new.
- £50m is spent on buying more than 370 million mince pies over the Christmas period. And every Brit eats an average of 27 mince pies each
- Can water be too clean? The answer is yes if you drink the ultra-pure water used in semi-conductor manufacturing. It leaches vital minerals from your body and causes cells to burst, leading to brain damage and death
- Worcestershire sauce is made from dissolved anchovies. The anchovies are soaked in vinegar until they have completely melted. The sauce contains the bones and all
- Fed up of rock hard ice-cream that bends your spoon when scooping? Well, if you store your ice cream container in a freezer bag, it won't freeze into the frozen dessert brick and you can scoop it out much more easily
- Who doesn’t love a good ole pizza Margherita, but have you ever given a thought to its origin? Popular belief says that it was invented by a famous Italian chef in 1889 in honour of Queen Margherita – the red tomatoes, white mozzarella, and green basil representing the colours of the Italian flag. She loved it so much she sent the chef a thank you note, which still hangs on the restaurant wall today now owned by his descendants
- The latest tool in the fight against crime, pizza. Police this week arrested a suspected burglar after the phone he had stolen amongst his loot led them to his whereabouts. Police dialled the number of the phone to hear him order “extra pepperoni” on his take away pizza he’d gone to collect. Minutes later they attended a local pizza retailer and arrested him
- McDonald’s almost got rid of its golden arches in the 1960’s. The arches were only kept because a psychologist they hired said they had great Freudian importance in the subconscious mind of customers saying that they represented “mother McDonald’s breasts”