Eating chocolate could help your career. No seriously, it really could. Research has concluded eating chocolate before studying increases your chance of understanding and retaining information. So there it is, go for your life!
Avocados should now carry warning labels following a rise in knife injuries from cutting into the fruit, doctor’s has warned. Leading plastic surgeon Simon Eccles has said he treats about four patients a week at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for such wounds, with staff dubbing the injury "Avocado hand". Even celebrity Meryl Streep was pictured with a bandaged hand after losing a fight with an avocado back in 2012, and figures suggest that over 100 people a year give themselves avocado hand in New Zealand.
Crimping is the technique of sealing a Cornish pasty and is still done by hand in the vast majority of pasty bakeries. A skilled crimper will crimp on average 3 or 4 pasties a minute.
A plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes, called the TomTato, has been developed for the UK market. The creators, said the plants last for one season and by the time the tomatoes are ready for picking, the potatoes can be dug up. Chips and tomato sauce in ONE plant.
Marshmallows were originally made using sap from the pink-flowered mallow plant that grows in wet, boggy areas – hence the name. Today the sap has been replaced by gelatin.
Some people like their food so much they want to wear it. The Meg. C. Jewelry Gallery in Lexington, Kentucky, has introduced a line of necklaces and earrings made from gold-plated Kentucky Fried Chicken bones, ranging in price from 130 to 200 dollars.
Not as humble as you may think, jelly baby sweets were originally called ‘Unclaimed Babies.’ According to historians, “unclaimed babies were a part of life back in 1864 (when they were first created)’ and as “the sweets were sold loose and in jars that weren't labelled or branded, people would have said, 'Can I have some of those jellied babies?’ - leading to the name ‘Unclaimed Babies.’