Estonians eat seven, nine, or 12 meals on New Year’s Eve, believing that with each meal eaten, they will gain the strength of that many men in the New Year. Part of each meal, however, is left unfinished for the spirits of ancestors who visit the house on New Year’s Eve.
Feeling peckish during your beauty regime? Then nourish inside and out because alpha hydroxy acid, a main ingredient in chemical peels and skin creams, is derived from citrus fruits, sour milk, sugar cane, and other food sources.
In Mexico there is a food festival at Christmas called Noche de Rabanos, which translates to Night of the Radishes. The festival is not so much about eating radishes, but instead carving giant radishes into nativity scenes with prizes for the best radish artwork.
Did you know that a cluster of bananas is called a hand and in a similar vein, a single banana is called a finger. Worryingly though a banana 'hand' consists of around 10-20 bananas!
16 billion jelly beans are made every year for Easter. Stacked end to end, the jelly beans would circle the globe nearly 3 times!