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Foodservice Quality Food Awards extends entry deadline

21st Jun 2018 - 07:00
Foodservice manufacturers and suppliers have another two weeks (6 July) to enter their ‘most innovative’ food and drink solutions in this year’s UK Foodservice Quality Food Awards.

The organisation this week announced a two-week extension, meaning that the awards are now open until 6 July.


With nearly 100 awards spanning categories such as ‘grab and go’, soups, pasta, party food and more, all products will be judged by an independent panel of development chefs, consultants, nutritionists and industry experts.


Regardless if they win or not, every company will also receive “constructive, actionable feedback” on the key judging criteria: taste, flavour, texture, aroma, ingredients, innovation, packaging, presentation and price point.


Foodservice Quality Food Award publishing director, Helen Lyons, commented: “Every year the quality of entries seems to get stronger and stronger – I’m delighted to say that 2018 is no exception.


“As is traditional, we are giving the fast paced foodservice world extra time to hone and perfect their entries – I look forward to seeing and sampling some of these incredible sounding products for real at our dedicated judging days in July.


“With just days to go, I urge those considering furthering their brand and NPD credentials to enter a product or products into the awards. The Quality mark is an industry renowned badge of innovation excellence – don’t miss out!”  

Enter now via:

Written by
Edward Waddell