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Foodservice industry guide to equipment leasing published by FEA

17th Nov 2020 - 06:00
foodservice equipment associastion kitchen equipment leasing guide
The Foodservice Equipment Association (FEA) has launched a ‘Guide to Leasing’ that explains for caterers the advantages and benefits of finance packages.

“When times are tough, finding the cash for a new commercial fridge, oven, dishwasher or other professional appliance can be tricky,” says Steve Hobbs, chair of FEA.

“This is where alternative finance options, such as leasing, come into their own.  In fact, the Covid-19 crisis has led to the development of increasingly flexible finance packages, notably with features like low-start payments or even payment holidays, especially at the beginning of the arrangement, designed to give the operator a leg up to help build business.

“The FEA Guide to Leasing gives operators the information they need to know.”

He said Covid-19 had put much of the foodservice industry into severe economic distress.

“However, operators still have to invest in equipment – and leasing is proving to be an increasingly popular way to spread the cost of the investment.  It can also provide several other benefits.

“Some caterers, though, are struggling to find basic information, or they are unsure about how leasing works.  That’s why FEA has put together a Guide to Leasing, which looks specifically at leasing foodservice equipment and is available to download for free from the FEA website.”

The Guide looks at the benefits of leasing and considers some of the alternative finance options, such as hire purchase.  A ‘frequently asked questions’ section covers a variety of areas, such as VAT and tax benefits.  It also talks about what to look for in the small print, to avoid any issues.

Alternative finance options also help operators overcome budget restrictions that otherwise might prevent them from buying the best equipment.

“Investing in good quality equipment is the best way to enhance your business,” says Hobbs. “Leasing, and other alternative finance options, are a great way to benefit from the latest models – in fact, with many leasing arrangements, you can upgrade equipment during the lease to a newer model, to help you stay ahead.”


The FEA Guide to Leasing is available to download from the news section of the FEA website:

Written by
David Foad