In an update on progress towards the introduction of the landmark Environment Bill – the first for 20 years – the government has published ‘firm positions’, following a number of public consultations.
The UK Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) has welcomed the response from Defra to the consultation on household and business recycling collections in England, which include recommendations made in ADBA’s submission.
Charlotte Morton, ADBA chief executive, said: “We have long been advocating improved food waste management in England.
“If food loss and waste were a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of emissions globally. Separate food waste collections help us see how much food we are wasting and take action to reduce it, which is the biggest benefit.
“But the resources that went into producing the food are still in the inedible fraction. Recycling this through AD into clean green gas for power, transport or heat and natural fertiliser to grow more food shows the circular economy in action.
“Good food waste management starts with the implementation by local authorities of wide-ranging, efficient and cost-effective food waste collections schemes, and we are therefore very pleased to see that Defra’s response to the consultation makes important steps towards achieving this.”