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Food Standards Agency launching food safety tools

25th Jan 2010 - 00:00
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is launching a UK-wide campaign today, to raise awareness among food businesses about the tools available to help businesses comply with food hygiene law.
The tools being promoted include Safer food, better business (for use in England and Wales), CookSafe and RetailSafe (for use in Scotland), and Safe Catering (for use in Northern Ireland). These tools provide innovative and practical approaches to food safety management. The campaign includes posters, adverts in trade publications and on the radio, and promotion online. Running from today until Monday 1 March 2010, the campaign will target catering businesses that supply food direct to consumers – such as restaurants, takeaways and cafés. Sarah Appleby, head of enforcement at the FSA, said: "The purpose of this campaign is to help to support the important work that local authorities do to ensure that food businesses comply with food law. It is also to give businesses the opportunity to achieve higher ratings for the rollout in 2010 of the national "scores on the doors" scheme for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the Food Hygiene Information Scheme in Scotland."
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PSC Team