Food Matters is a campaign group set up in 2003 that aims to ‘create opportunities to bring about changes to see healthy, sustainable, fair food become a reality for everybody, every day’.
It operates as a charitable incorporated organisation running a range of programmes, including food, criminal justice and sustainable food places. Its revenue streams including grant funding, commissioned project work and income from training, facilitation and evaluation services.
'Rehabilitative culture' is where all aspects of the prison culture support rehabilitation, creating an environment that gives people the opportunity to change, addresses the reasons why they commit crime and helps them have a better way of living, through thinking and acting differently.
Food Matters believes the quality, nutritional value and overall experience of food within prisons can ‘significantly impact’ the rehabilitation process. From promoting mental and physical well-being, to fostering a sense of dignity and respect, to providing a sense of autonomy - better prison food is integral to rehabilitative culture.
There will be presentations and discussions from:
- Victoria Williams (Food Matters)
- Hindpal Singh Bhui (HM’s Inspectorate of Prisons)
- Sarah Lewis (Penal Reform Solutions)
- Yvonne Thomas (The Clink Charity)
The webinar will cover examples of rehabilitative culture in UK prisons, the current state of food systems in UK prisons and what changes can be made to the prison food system. For more information, visit here.