The Food Foundation has drafted a letter for people to send to their MP by email. The Food Foundation believes the more MPs who hear from the people they represent the more likely they are to act now to #FeedTheFuture.
A recent YouGov survey showed 72% of the public in England want the Government to extend Free School Meals in line with Universal Credit.
The letter states: “Currently there are 800,000 children in England who are living in poverty but don’t qualify for Free School Meals. There is a postcode lottery, as children who would be able to get a Free School Meal in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales, miss out in England.
“Free School Meals guarantee children a hot, nutritious meal every lunchtime. They help hard-working families save money, and support pupils to learn and concentrate at school. Investing in Free School Meals will provide economic benefits to our country. For every £1 invested in this policy, there will be a £1.38 return. Investing in children now will help them become the citizens of tomorrow.”
The #FeedTheFuture campaign has been created in partnership with organisations including School Food Matters, Bite Back 2030, Chefs in Schools and the Child Poverty Action Group.