Of the 2,000 polled by Treedom, one in three (29%) are ditching meat because it is better for the environment and over a quarter (28%) believe the traditional turkey lunch could soon go out of fashion. A fifth (21%) said cutting down on meat this Christmas Day will make them feel less guilty.
A third (32%) will be pouring on vegan gravy, while one in four (24%) will be enjoying plant-based ‘turkey’ slices and rice dishes, instead of a traditional roast with all the trimmings. Around 23% of the people surveyed are planning to have a classic nut roast or a pasta dish.
Anna Weston, head of development in UK & Ireland for digital tree planting platform Treedom, commented: “Christmas is a key moment for us to remember the importance and impact our choices have on the planet and communities around the world, and it’s great to see that so many Brits want to do their bit for the environment during the festive period from reducing meat consumption.”