Felix Connect is a platform that links those with one off food donations to people in need. Once a food donation is posted, groups will automatically be informed about the offer and they can then accept whichever offers are most suitable and collect it themselves.
For the last year, The Felix Project has been running a small pilot scheme with just 35 community groups. The charity is now opening up the platform to all the charities it works with and hopes over 800 will join. Over the 12-month trial period 95 food offers were submitted and over 2,300Kg of food was rescued.
Georgie Czernobay, Felix Connect manager, said: “It’s really exciting to be expanding and offering this service to all our community groups, especially after such positive results from the pilot. We are confident it will allow us to accept more food, develop better partnerships with new and potential food suppliers and ultimately feed more people.
“The Felix Project already works with over 300 suppliers and does what it can to accept as much food as possible, however this is logistically not always possible. Felix Connect is another string to our bow when it comes to helping the food industry continue to reduce food waste.”