The guide, which has been developed by FDF’s Sustainability Steering Group, provides a simple step by step approach to mapping the use of ingredients and utilities all the way back to source; guidance on how to understand the key risks and opportunities; tips for creating a plan of action and integration into the business.
FDF director of sustainability Andrew Kuyk said: “Recent weather events both here in the UK and around the world have demonstrated all too clearly the importance of managing risk in the supply chain. The global food system is vulnerable to external shocks not only from climate change but also pressure from population increases, growing demand for limited natural resources and changing diets.
"At the same time consumers are increasingly seeking reassurance that the products they buy have been sustainably sourced. At a time of diminishing resources, it also makes good business sense for companies to look at what is required to produce the product and how they would manage if some resources were not available.”
“Over recent years, FDF members companies have been successfully focusing their efforts on reducing carbon, waste, water use, packaging and transport miles within their own operations and this guide takes our environmental work to a new level, looking beyond the factory gate.”