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FCSI report gives industry a Taste of the future

12th Sep 2012 - 14:51
Latest research shows that only half of the caterers in the foodservice industry are taking sustainability seriously.

The Foodservice Consultants Society International, with 200 members in the UK, many working for contractor caterering clients, present their first insight report A Taste of the Future, which will give operators "food for thought".

The report reveals that sustainability, economic challenges and healthier eating are the most important trends.

It highlights that food security is a key future trend over the next three years as identified by 53% of FSCI consultants.

They also feel that local sourcing will have a serious impact on procurement over the next three to five years as predicted by 86% of members. Capitalising on burgeoning tourism will be vital to the future success of the industry (43%).

FCSI chairman  David Bentley said: “The foodservice sector has been squeezed on a number of fronts inclkuding persistently tough trading conditions; the VAT rise; a culture of discounting; growing appetite for casual dining and an intensifying government focus on healthy eating in the face of rising obesity levels.

“If the last three years have been turbulent, the next three promise to be equally testing. For the foodservice sector, being ready will mean meeting current challenges, preparing for future trends and prioritising the areas that will deliver growth.

“This report sets out to outline the future issues and growth opportunities that the industry should be aware of.”

Sixty four consultants were surveyed on key sector trends by Allegra Strategies who conducted in-depth on-line interviews to investigate these trends in more detail.

*A report on the Taste for the Future research will appear in the October issue of Cost Sector Catering.

Written by
PSC Team