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Fare of London revenues up 12% on 2015

20th Apr 2016 - 07:36
Fare of London revenues up 12% on 2015
Contract and event caterer Fare of London has seen revenues in 2016 increase significantly on last year’s record breaking year for the firm.

Fare of London, the events arm of PCC Ltd., which was acquired by Harbour & Jones (H&J) in December 2015, has recorded a 12% year-to-date increase in revenues up until the end of March 2016.

John Durden, managing director of Fare of London, said: “The numbers tell their own story: last year was an exceptional year for Fare of London and this year, with a larger infrastructure and the financial backing of H&J, we have already seen significant success across our client venues in London.

“We are excited about future growth and are looking forward to a successful financial year with significant bookings and a strong pipeline at most of our London venues.”

Last year, the catering firm reported a 38% increase in revenues overall, a record-breaking year following the 25th anniversary of the company, celebrated with a campaign focusing on forgotten foods.

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PSC Team