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Facebook app launches to inspire learners to work in hospitality and catering

7th Oct 2010 - 00:00
City & Guilds is encouraging young adults to work within the hospitality and catering sector thanks to a new Facebook application.
Users will be required to complete a multiple choice quiz and once the answers have been collated and assessed, their 'perfect job' will be revealed. Employers have widely noted that on leaving university, many graduates lack practical, work-based skills when they enter employment. However, those with vocational qualifications can benefit a business from day one thanks. In a recent City & Guilds' report – The Skills Economy – 60% of the employers surveyed saw this as the biggest benefit of vocationally trained staff over graduates. The app is being launched in line with Skills London 2010 – an event that gives you the chance to discover what careers, training schemes, educational options and skills opportunities are available. It marks the one-year count-down to World Skills 2011 and will feature the 'Big Skills Debate', chaired by Dragons Den's Theo Paphitis. Chris Jones, CEO and Director General for City & Guilds thinks this application is a step in the right direction for targeting learners: "14-19 year olds are at the heart of everything we do, and at City & Guilds we want to help them unleash their talent. Facebook is a powerful tool for young people so it is the ideal platform for us to show learners the opportunities open to them in the hospitality and catering industry and inspire them to achieve their dreams." You can see the app at the following link:
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PSC Team