The Pack2Go Europe ‘Quality Guarantee’ label is available to all member companies that meet the company’s expectations of responsibility, security and traceability. These include: demonstrating that the company has formally endorsed Pack2Go guiding principles, met the Pack2Go Europe performance requirements, covering both the quality of product and operations, committed to EU national legislative product quality requirements, and annually report their performance against a range of indicators such as environmental and social commitments.
CEO of C.E.E.R. Schisler who has led the Pack2Go scheme said: “We aim to ensure that the market knows what quality is in our sector and where to go to get it.”
The scheme is the first of its kind for the food and beverage service packaging sector. The first trademark licenses are expected in autumn 2018, meaning that the quality assured label will start appearing on approved products soon after. Those who receive the trademark on their products will also be listed on the association’s website.
President of Pack2Go Europe, Mike Turner said: “Not all companies out there match up to these levels of quality and performance. So we call on distributors and users of service packaging to take this scheme as the point of reference for sourcing really good products by really good companies.”
Last October Pack2Go Europe announced that it was cooperating with EcoVadis, the platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The company will provide each of Pack2Go’s members with an independent assessment of their sustainability rating and will generate an average Pack2Go score.
In order to achieve the mark, the company will have to achieve a scorecard rating of 50/100 to meet Pack2Go’s standard. The global average according to EcoVadis is 43/100. However, Pack2Go prides itself on the fact its members have an average rating of 58/100.