Elior’s services include catering for two Illy Café bars, two public bars and a restaurant within the 529 seat theatre complex as well as an Illy Café concept within the separate Dock Museum and vending within the Park Leisure Centre. Elior will also provide cleaning services across The Forum and Dock Museum sites.
Keith Johnson, assistant director of community services, Barrow Borough Council, said: “The Elior team built their response to the tender around our brand rather than imposing their own identity on us. Their reputation and experience in concession and event catering gave us confidence in their ability to deliver. They particularly impressed us by mobilising the contract, just three weeks after signing the deal.”
Angela Urwin, operations manager, Elior added: “We have already received excellent customer feedback regarding the Illy Café concept bars, the fresh on-site bakery and new streamlined menu. We are keen to be proactive and creative in our approach to event catering at the Forum and have already arranged a bespoke Scottish theme menu, which includes a piper and whisky tasting for the upcoming Proclaimers concert in September.”
The venue has a varied arts and entertainments programme, including music and comedy. It also plays host to a large number of high quality amateur productions throughout the year. http://www.theforumbarrow.co.uk/