The recipes are based on research which has identified the four critical qualities of meals that link to better mood, memory and mental energy, banishing brain fog and forgetfulness. These essential components include brain fats, slow releasing carbs, antioxidants and B-vitamins.
A recent study from the UK Biobank data shows that increased intake of omega-3 from fish oils reduces the risk of 35 diseases.
Founder Patrick Holford said: “These are all easy to make, tried and test recipes. We hope the App will not only get people out of the recipe rut but also educate and energise them in the process.
“As far as fish is concerned, we say ‘SMASH it – S for salmon, M for mackerel, A for anchovies, S for sardines and H for herring or kipper. But many people don’t know how to make delicious food with fish. The Upgrade Your Brain Cooking App has lots of delicious recipes from breakfasts to desserts, snacks and main meals, each with brain-friendly attributes.”
The recipes include Coconut & Almond Porridge; Chicken Satay Skewers with Peanut-lime Dipping Sauce; Crispy Chickpea & Kale Snack Bowl; Spiced Salmon Burger with Sweet Potato Fries & Slaw and Thai Fish Cakes with Satay Dipping Sauce.