29th Mar 2012 - 00:00

Guaranteed eating quality, tighter specifications and improved efficiency are the key benefits of the enhanced EBLEX Quality Standard Mark scheme for beef and lamb.
Following extensive consultation with the industry last year, EBLEX has strengthened the scheme specifications for QSM beef and lamb to add value throughout the supply chain. These cover animal age, carcase classifications and maturation, which combine to guarantee eating quality. The new standards will come into effect from August 6 2012. EBLEX said it is good news for the foodservice supply chain from producers who can look forward to better farm gate prices provided by animals reared within the scheme, to caterers who will get greater yields, reduced waste and maximum profitability from the carcase. At the same time it will satisfy consumer demand for quality and consistency. "It really is a win-win situation for everyone in the beef and lamb supply chain," said Laura Bishop, marketing manager – quality schemes at EBLEX. "We've upped the ante so that caterers and chefs can have even more confidence in their Quality Standard Mark beef and lamb products. "The scheme for beef and lamb provides one of the highest levels of independently inspected quality assurance for meat in the UK. The new standards contain combined guarantees of food safety, animal welfare, care for the environment and enhanced eating quality. "To guarantee the consistently high quality dishes that customers expect, caterers need to work with high quality ingredients. The enhanced specifications for beef and lamb not only give caterers confidence in the dishes they are producing, but also protect their reputation and that of their business. "The response we've had from industry has been extremely positive, with 95% of those consulted in favour of the new specification," added Bishop.