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Demand for haggis is on the up

25th Jan 2010 - 00:00
Demand for haggis is on the rise as Scots prepare to celebrate Burns Night.
Total haggis sales for 2009 in the UK alone were worth £8.8 million - an increase of around 19% on 2008 figures, reported The Scottish Government. The growing popularity of Scotland's national dish is partly being put down to its use as an ingredient in other dishes and throughout the year, as opposed to just Burns Night. Demand was also boosted by last year's Homecoming celebrations. The World Famous Burns Supper Celebration, organised by Homecoming Scotland and The Famous Grouse, led to over 3,600 Burns Night suppers, involving over 80 different countries. And haggis maker, Macsween of Edinburgh, has reported a total sales increase of 20% for 2009, and an increase of 25% in the run up to Burns Night 2010. Rural Affairs Secretary Mr Lochhead said: "The impressive increase in haggis sales suggests demand for our national dish is at an all- time high. Tucking into a plate of delicious haggis, neeps and tatties this Burns Night is also a vote of confidence in our great farmers."
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